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GrandView and Tame

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Posted by Derek Cornish
Apr 4, 2008 at 04:19 AM


Cassius wrote:
> >I found the thread and your postings: You
>mentioned your PIF, but you didn’t give its specific settings.  (You did list for
>JeePea the command line parameters.)
> >Here, again are the pif settings I use and
>listed in that thread.  Do you have anything different?  (Note:  I don’t now know why I
>have the \A switch.  Perhaps it had a use in Ver. 1, but not Ver. 2?)  I assume you are
>running XP.
> >cmd line: C:\PROGRA~1\GRANDV~1\GV.EXE /A/V/L/T/W
>font:  TrueType
>only; 9x15
>memory:  All auto; uses HMA; protected -> off
>screen:  use window; all
>options checked
>misc:  Foreground, mouse and background: unchecked
>Fast pasting
>and all Windows shortcut keys: checked
>Compatibility: all unchecked

Sorry, should have given the thread url. It is http://www.outlinersoftware.com/messages/viewm/3543
To expand on what I said then:

Yes, I am using XP SP2 Professional.
Cmd line: Same as yours, except I don’t use /L/T/W - but probably should
*Font: 9x15: “both” is checked. (probably because I am using special fonts - see below)
Memory: same as you, I think, i.e. everything is on “Auto” and “uses HMA” is checked.
Screen: all same as yours
Misc: Same as you except Background - “always suspend” is checked and Termination: “warm,etc” is also checked; idle sensitivity is “Medium” (probably the same as yours); Shortcut key “Alt-Enter” is unchecked.
Compatibility: like yours (all unchecked)

*On fonts (above): I am using (I think they are still working) Uwe Sieber’s modified DOS fonts. I have his NewDOS Fullscreen >(Licence version) installed. They can be found at http://www.uwe-sieber.de/dosfon_e.html

The only other things I can think of are:
1. The possibility that there is another duplicate “rogue” pif somewhere in your system that is seizing priority.
2. I looked in my config.nt and Autoexec.nt files (both in c:\WINDOWS\system32\) and noticed that I still had references to Tame in the latter, but REMMed out - apart from a path statement to its exe file (which was uninstalled). It may be worth looking to see if anything untoward is in yours.

Hope that helps.
