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GrandView for Windows v1

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Posted by Arasmo
Mar 6, 2020 at 04:56 PM


>>My question: besides our PC-Outline user, who continues to actively use old programs in emulation? And how do you integrate your work?


I discovered Grandview a few months ago and I’m still learning the ropes, but I think it’s a amazing program : lightning fast, user-friendly despite all the features and easily portable. And the manual is a work of art !

For the moment, I use it for to-do lists, management of some personal projects (I use the opensource software Kanboard for team projects), brainstorming and drafting. I sometimes write in Wordperfect 5.1, which I also started to use recently, and can easily share text between the two programs. When I need to export a GV file, I just convert it to the wordperfect format, which LibreOffice can open. Along with Mindforger, a great free and opensource notebook, Grandview has replaced Scrivener for my writing projects.

As I’m on Linux (Debian and Centos), I use DOSEMU2 instead of VDOS. You’ll need to compile DOSEMU2 if you are not in Ubuntu (there is a PPA) and it’s not very well documented, but it’s an excellent emulator : the small graphical glitches and mouse problems that I had with DOSBOX are gone. It’s also much faster than DOSBOX in my experience, which is important when you have a older computer. The DOS drive is mounted on a nextcloud folder : the files are so tiny that they are very quick to sync, even with a slow connection.