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Interesting book.

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Posted by Cassius
Mar 24, 2008 at 07:32 PM


Alexander Deliyannis wrote:
>A couple of years ago I was talking to a friend who’s a reader of law at a UK university. She
>had no idea of information management software and told me that neither did most of her
>colleagues. I imagine that people in her line of work that are good at using such
>software should be at a significant advantage (unless they spend more time CRIMPING
>than actually using the software do get the work done).

Most curious as I expect that newly minted attorneys/lawyers start out researching law topics for more senior members of law firms.  And, of course, MaxThink and NoteMap (ugh!) were primarily tools for lawyers.  I wonder if the UK University where your friend studies law requires its law students to take a class in logic?  I understand that the top law schools in the US do (or did when I was younger).  I havea nephiew who is an attorney.  I’ll have to ask him about this.  I do know that some senior attorneys barely use computers…Of course, they have clerks to do their research a,d. perhaps, some have “photographic” memories.

>A similar situation had been described years ago by Tony Buzan’s brother, an academic, about the advantage that mind maps gave him in his work.

If I do mindmapping, it must be within my skull.  In high school and university I was forced to write outlines for the papers I was assigned to write.  We were supposed to write an outline first—to clarify our thoughts and the paper’s organization—before starting on the paper.  I always wrote mine after.  I only found outlining useful once I started using GV both for info storage and as a writing tool, but still not as a pre-thought & paper organizing tool.  Perhaps If my memory were much, much better, I wouldn’t be PIMming.
