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Posted by SmallDog
Oct 27, 2019 at 04:14 AM


Hi Alexander, yes plain text file. For sync between laptop and phone, I use Google Drive + an app called Drive Sync, although there are probably superior self-hosted approaches.

The files are mostly markdown files, edited on laptop with Sublime and on android with Markor/Epsilon Notes. Not quite the standard markdown though, since I modified the syntax definition quite a bit to suit my needs. In particular, I’m hoping to dispensing with manually applied tags and just write a syntax definition for my ‘idiolect’, so that (i) I get syntax highlighting for words and phrases of particular interest to me, and (ii) I can rely on Sublime to automatically go through these files and construct an index of the symbols, so then I can navigate to the relevant files by using the standard IDE features such as “Browse symbols”. (Currently for example, I make it so that every phrase in title case is regarded as a symbol (e.g. “Empire State Building”, “Charles Darwin”))

I’ve been liking the “piggyback on a programming IDE” idea very much… For a while, I even tried to implement a Zettle system using javascript functions, where each note is a function named e.g. z20191027001240, and the content of the note are written as comments. When there’s the need to link to another note, I drop out of the comment and just make a “function call”. Later, I can “list backlink” simply by using Sublime’s “Goto References” function.

Alexander Deliyannis wrote:
Do you mean just plain text / markdown files? And how do you keep them
>in order? Just with folders, or some other software?
> >SmallDog wrote:
>> I went ahead
>>and finally switched from Evernote (not to Notable the app, at least
>>yet, but to a more plain text file-based system ...)