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Posted by Amontillado
Jul 27, 2019 at 09:53 PM


Now that I’ve been flippant, there is something I’ve been thinking about sort of along this topic.

I wrote the outline for a short story I think I’ll write, and instead of my usual hierarchy, I made myself stick to just three entries in the outline - Beginning, Middle, and End.

A couple of comments and ideas went in subtopics below those, but they were intended to be temporary. I wanted to stick to the three phases of the story.

I generally outline in OmniOutliner. The notes style is set to full black, 14 point,

Debloating my outlining style helped quite a bit.

One of the Devonthink support folks once said in an email that it’s OK to use complex tools for simple solutions. For instance, a lot of my use for DT is as a sync bucket, or as analog for Scrivener.

He said that kind of use was like what he thinks of Corvettes. They are great for standing start dashes to 180 in a few seconds, but they are also just fine at 20 in a school zone.