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Need Outliner + notes + scheduling + PDA sync

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Posted by Ike Washington
Feb 23, 2008 at 02:29 PM


dlmesser wrote:
I have given up on the Palm platform, after three devices and
>dozens of programs over the years. Much as I liked it, I can’t afford to keep having
>devices die on me like my last two did.

I understand why you’ve given up Palm. I’ve been lucky I think - the hardware has worked well for me; no problems with my Tungsten E2 after three, four years or so. I’ve raved about it to friends - the power of a platform which has (had?) so many independent developers pouring out free or cheap software. But no joy for those who’ve taken up my recommendation, just several junked machines.

>Your first link led me to a setup on the Natara
>forum that’s very close to what I’m trying to set up.

I’ve tweaked the Natara forum setup quite a bit. Very easy to do with Bonsai. Realise this isn’t useful to you post palm - but, really, Bonsai is great to use, the first application which gets GTD working for me.

>I’m using a pocket Moleskin Cahier notebook
>for capturing longer writing, then I want to transfer anything appropriate into some
>desktop software, then from there to PocketPC. I also capture short to-dos and list
>items directly on the PDA’s ListPro or Tasks, or in desktop ListPro. My search is to
>combine these two types of capture into one planning tool and model.

Just comparing and contrasting your system with mine:

I don’t really write on paper. Occasionally I print off relevant GTD extracts from Bonsai, add project notes and use Fineprint to create a one page paper pda. Any paper marks get added to Bonsai at the end of the week during my weekly review.

As well as GTD proper, I have a parallel short to-do setup.

If I’m at my laptop, I add short to-dos using Notezilla: http://www.outlinersoftware.com/messages/viewm/1540 . If I’m using my pda, I add short to-dos using Memoleaf. These get meshed together when I carry out a Hotsync.

On my palm, the to-dos show up in Memoleaf, taking the data from the built-in Memo app, and in DateBk6 which allows a split page in the calendar’s day view - taking the same data from the built-in Memo app.

I’m happy with this pc/palm setup. But worry about what I’m going to do when my palm stops working, when, say, I’m forced to use a smart phone.
