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Your System - Functions and Apps That Fulfill Them

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Posted by Franz Grieser
Feb 7, 2019 at 09:37 AM


1. Brainstorming - index cards (paper), piece of paper for clustering or doodling, Scapple, Mindmanager (Windows), Xmind Zen (MacOS), Textmaker (Windows/Mac)
2a. Random Notetaking - Simplenote for capturing notes on the road and syncing between Windows/MacOS/iOS, Cintanotes Pro for pre-sorting notes from Simplenote before they go into Evernote or NotebooksApp or are processed in Textmaker/Word
2b. Intentional notetaking - NotebooksApp (Windows/MacOS/iOS)
2c. Saving web clips - Evernote, Devonthink Pro
3. Scheduling - Outlook calendar
4. Task Management - Excel file
5. Thought Processing - Textmaker, iaWriter (Windows), Ulysses, NotebooksApp (Win/Mac), Mindmanager
6. Knowledge Archive - Evernote, Devonthink Pro, file system
7. Project Knowledge (=project journal) - NotebooksApp

8. Structuring large writing projects/books - Scrivener 3 (MacOS)

I plan to look into InfoQube again when vs 9.112 is released - the Card View looks interesting and might replace Scapple (which I find a bit too clumsy). If I get to grips with IQ, I might also use it for (2) and (6), maybe also (5).