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Posted by Dr Andus
Jan 2, 2019 at 10:02 PM


Here is how this could be done using Chrome and Google Drive (provided you are allowed access to it and it’s not a problem to convert the .doc and .xls files to Google Docs and Sheets):

1. Open Google Doc or Sheet.

2. Open Google Keep in the side panel.

3. Extract info from doc or sheet and enter into Google Keep notes.

4. Create a new doc or sheet, open Google Keep in side panel, and use info to develop new doc / sheet.

It is also possible to select multiple Keep notes and save them into a single new Google Doc.

If it’s a PDF, you could use Kami (Chrome extension) to annotate it, and then export the annotations as a text file and paste it into a Google Doc. Alternatively, you could just have browser tab with Keep or the standalone Chrome app for Keep and copy and paste info directly from the PDF into Keep.

Alternatively, if you want to do this in Windows, and you want to start structuring the resulting document right away, you could use some outliner software (e.g. Scrivener, or Outline 4D, or OneNote or Whizfolders) to copy and paste the notes or snippets into a developing hierarchical outline, and then write it up from there. I would use at least two monitors for this (reading and annotating in one, pasting into the developing outline in the other).

If you’re adventurous, you could use ConnectedText for organising the whole process, using its clipboard capture utility to collect the notes, link to all the original documents, and then use CT’s outliner pane to organise the various notes into an outline, with links to the notes, for the final writing-up.