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Posted by washere
Nov 28, 2018 at 12:32 AM


Unlike a few big corps, most outliner-ware is a cottage industry if not overwhelmingly single devs. I’ve always said all outliner devs should be supported as a rule, regardless. Eduardo is one of the few, an elite, who created something new and not just a little app. So he deserves extra praise. Another in the same league is Andy of Hyperplan who is present here. There are not many like them. Most just copy genres. There are 2 models for securing an app’s future but that is not the topic here.

I hope Eduardo finds both the time and resources to keep updating and modernizing his app. To provide both, commercial success is needed. Look at big hits like Scrivener or even bigger Evernote. It’s a catch 22 problem, not easy, specially when doing something novel in a niche market. There are certain crucial aspects to be taken care of to cross the Rubicon into the Valhalla of big box-office. Hope they get the right feedback. In any case, we should wish them all the best of luck.