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Visual Outliner (new from the developer of Goal Enforcer)

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Posted by washere
Nov 16, 2018 at 01:24 AM


Rochus wrote:
> washere wrote:
> >Thank you very much for your explications.
> >>The file size does not matter as long as the nesting does not break
>>scope like other html nesting tags (li, url etc etd).
> >It’s not about the file size; but if I have externally validated data of
>reasonable size I can use it to develop and test my parser/importer and
>can be sure that I have seen and corrected most of the issues.
> >>


>>text=“BLAH BLAH BLAH”>

>If the outline item is either a title or a text, I can create an outline
>tag with either a title or a text attribute, right?
> >>3) Avoid temptation to add further OMPL v1 & v2 tag options
> >Ok; of course text formatting and embedded images get lost, only plain
>text is exported.
> >>be read by almost any app that pretends to import OPML.
> >By the way: have you noticed that CrossLine can import HTML files and
>translates the title structure to outline levels? Here is an example:
>http://software.rochus-keller.info/WarAndPeace.cldb.zip. I downloaded
>and imported the HTML version of War and Peace from
>http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2600/2600-h/2600-h.htm as recommended in
>http://www.organizingcreativity.com/2018/02/what-makes-a-good-outliner .

* Some apps will trim white spaces at start or end of line on import.

* I would say might be best not to leave title blank, text att being blank should be ok for most if not all app imports.

* Same with data format, definitely needs title, I would include text too even if followed by a blank data holder =”” just in case some apps need it for import

* I have bookmarked CrossLine to play with later on. Interesting ideas on html outlining.
I always thought html outliner tags, ul ol li dl, could be packaged together in some nice app as a universal outlining format, with nice code folding. But most devs rather invent their own formats. Would be great if a minimum number of tags could be chosen to do that, sort of universal outlining gateway.