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TheBrain 10 released

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Posted by Amontillado
Nov 11, 2018 at 05:49 PM



I can agree with your conclusions, at least as they apply to the long-obsolete version of The Brain I last used, but I’m trying to remember how The Brain really fit together.

I lost data. The Brain customer support was very nice, pointed me to a customer’s Brain with a half million thoughts, and said there was no history of losing data. I moved on to OneNote, and eventually to DEVONThink.

My now-musty recollection of The Brain is there was no proprietary database used as a sole repository of structure. There was an XML file, much like Scrivener ties everything together with an XML file. Maybe I had to export to XML format. However I arrived at the XML, I had the entire structure of the Brain itself.

The files themselves were just files in the filesystem, much like Scrivener and DEVONThink. OneNote, I believe, is the only one of those three that stores content in a non-standard form.

Perhaps I misremember.

In any case, I’m sure the current version of The Brain is highly evolved from what I last saw.