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ConnectedText on wine / mac and zettelkasten programs

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Posted by Browza
Jun 25, 2018 at 09:50 PM


Paul Korm wrote:
I’ve attempted several times over the years to run ConnectedText in a
>CrossOver bottle.  CrossOver is a hyped up, sort of pricey, version of
>wine.  CT runs OK, but CT’s user interface gets ugly when running under
>wine.  Running CT in wine always messes up my CT license. 
> >If you Google the IPSFactory error you’ll find numerous threads on the
>topic.  The gist seems to be an InstallShield issue.  The advice seems
>to be “go find a different version of wine”.  I’m sure that’s not

Welp, none of that sounds too promising. But thanks a lot anyways, knowing what not to do gets you closer to knowing what to do.

nblaz wrote:
>Because I’m erring towards note longevity on
>this kind of scale myself, I’m willing to sacrifice features, and
>believe that a plain-text methodology such as the one that Christian
>Tietze and Sascha Fast have published at zettelkasten.de fits the bill.

The plain-text-argument is definitely a strong one, as plain-text somehow vanishing is somewhat inconceivable (at least more so than other solutions I have come across).


nathanb wrote:
>I figure if the difference between the ‘best fit’
>software and plain text is a 20% gain in productivity/usefulness then
>that’s worth several days of hard migration every couple years.  I also
>justify more CRIMPing by telling myself that ‘hard migration’ is
>basically a huge review of all your stuff which has a large theoretical

That’s sort of what Hans Blumenberg did (with a physical zettelkasten) when he moved not from program to program but from project to project. The question for me however, and this is coming from someone whose understanding of technology is sparse, is to what extent hard migration will be possible. I remember that, when I was about 16, I had an incredibly hard time trying to update my grandmother’s computer after she did not do it for 5 years, I don’t even remember if I succeeded… and there’s a difference between something of that extent and substituting all [[ for some other symbol etc.
Then again, if one is somewhat alert to technological change, it should be doable as you said. (especially with plain-text).

I also thought about doing a hybrid of digital/analog notemaking, where I strip down the digital functions to their very core and create the paper notes in a way that would allow me to rebuild a digital version if worst comes to worst…
But maybe I’m just a tad too tired/overthinking.

And as a side-note: It is very nice to see people both so helpful and eager for discussion (especially to/with newcomers as me). It is something that gets seemingly rarer each and every day. Thanks.