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Recommendation for tablet

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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Dec 27, 2007 at 06:58 PM



Seems like no one can answer your request—probably because you’re asking too much. I don’t know any program that does all this. I’ve added a few suggestions among your questions below:

TonyJ wrote:
>My tablet came with OneNote, so far it looks like a good piece of software.  Do I need a
>combination of programs to do it all, or is OneNote sufficient?  Here’s what I’d like to
>be able to do:
> >1 - Annotate ebooks, preferably in ink.  Mostly .pdf or .djvu.  Perhaps
>other formats in the future.  Link from a given paragraph of one document to a selected
>paragraph of another.  I think OneNote can handle this.

I’d say ON is the best bet.

>2 - Store all my email.  My
>email is on an IMAP server.  An offline backup where I can link emails to a list of
>contacts and tasks (and link them back to the emails) is ideal.  ON - not as far as I can
> >3 - As implied in 2, keep a master list of contacts, and manage my projects and
>to-do lists with a calendar.  A good fit with GTD would be ideal but it isn’t necessary. 
>ON - ?

Take a look at Debrief Notes. (http://www.debriefnotes.com) It tooks a little bit of work to figure out the GUI but once you do it makes sense and is pretty powerful.

>4 - Accurately save web pages.  Saving the entire site isn’t necessary but Web
>Research’s feature of allowing the user to save some of the pages linked to is very
>nice.  An editor where I can cut chunks out of the webpage and eliminate animations,
>banners and ads would be a strong feature.  Ability to export as an html or mht file is a
>plus.  ON can import them as a screen capture but my preference is for the links to work. 
>Linking to a specific section in the web page from an external document is another
>plus.  ON - ?

Many people like Surfulater for this task. (http://www.surfulater.com)

>5 - General note taking.  ON does this very well.
> >6 - The more easily I can
>use ink, the better.

Debrief does ink, but I haven’t tried it.

>Linking documents and annotating in ink are the two big wants,
>but none of this is written in stone.  All the linking between different types of
>documents (email, .pdf, .doc, .jpg, etc.) suggests one database to hold the whole
>thing.  UltraRecall and InfoSelect are getting my attention.  Web Research also has
>some strong features but I don’t know if it can handle a big database and I expect some of
>these OneNote files holding printed text books, will be rather large.  What about SQL
>Notes?  I hear that scrapbook is a free way to save webpages.  Are they saved as html?  If I
>used scrapbook is there a good, maybe even free, database for organizing and
>annotating them, which I can then link to the ON pages?
> >OK, that’s a lot of questions. 
>Thank you for your thoughts.