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best outliner you use? (2018)

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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Apr 12, 2018 at 10:21 PM


It’s nice of you to say that. Thank you.

I started writing about Tinderbox several years ago when Scrivener users got a special discount on Tbx and a lot of them bought it, then complained they couldn’t figure out how to use it. I tried to convince those who’d already invested in the app to see that they could do a lot with it without knowing all the deep, intricate techniques. I’ve never tried to convince anyone to buy the app, only not to be overly intimidated by it if they already had spent the money. Just using the Map view without agents, or aliases or syntax can be really helpful.

Anyway, if I’ve helped a bit, I’m glad to know it.

Steve Z.

Jeffery Smith wrote:
Whenever I refer to Stephen Stephen Zeoli’s Tinderbox tutorials, I’m
>immediately compelled to open Tinderbox and pour my life into it.
>Perhaps I should remove the competing programs from my Mac altogether. I
>remember doing that with Ecco Pro in my Windows days.
> >Jeffery
> >