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ok anything for this basic need in regards to tree view of folders/files on the side -- likely the most important basic need overall

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Posted by doablesoftware
Apr 7, 2018 at 10:13 PM


‘Write.’ - yea very very very hard to find, even when you know the name, it’s still very hard to google due to the naming of this software, wish they didnt do that

- cos it’s unlikely it’ll become so commonplace that it would be easiely found such as
- ‘apple’ or ‘swift’
- right now if you google ‘swift’ you get the programming lang and taylor swift
- ‘write’ is far too common of a usage and that was/is undoubtedly a terrible naming
- also software seems new within the last year, that’s likely also a factor

‘not have the text jammed up against the left edge’

- ok sure why not?, tho ‘centering the text on the screen’ is better the text may still be close to left alignment, so we wanna be clear it’s def centred, just like the link from the write site

‘zoomable font’ - ‘zoom in and out to adjust how large the text looks on the screen.’

- ok like typora (which fits the markdown need, but maybe something else would do better)

ill get to looking into write more fully, and ill get it done, tahnsk for the suggest


@Franz - thanks this is non-urgent, more long-term, and im os-indepenent (both os is fine/good)
- the ‘Document Library’ of iA Writer seems single-level and not muti-level and doesnt appear to be a tree view