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Mobile analogue or hybrid organisational and time-management system

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Posted by Sharknader
Feb 19, 2018 at 08:48 PM


dan7000, do any of these scheduling apps integrate with Trello?

dan7000 wrote:
Re: The problem of tracking depleting time resource and re-allocating
> >This is one of the main problems I try to solve with my scheduling. I
>need to be able to know if I have overcommitted myself and, if so, move
>deadlines back / delegate / get help. And the answer to that question
>changes constantly based on unexpected new tasks and distractions,
>shifting priorities, shifting deadlines, and changing task durations
>(especially if my estimates are not accurate).
> >I’ve posted about this a couple times here over the years. And I’ve
>tried numerous software solutions to solve the problem. I use software
>that automatically schedules my tasks for me based on various rules
>(different software allows different rule complexity). So it’s a task
>manager and calendar, and each task has scheduling rules associated with
>it. I see if the software can successfully schedule everything based on
>the deadlines I have given it. If it can’t, I have to make changes. If
>it can, I either get to work.
> >Here is the list so far of software that does this:
>TimeTo (ancient/Windows)
>AboveAndBeyond (essentially TimeTo)
>Focuster (new, web-focused with ios app, getting better all the time,
>not very complex rules which is good for some, not for others)
>SkedPal (my current tool. Very granular rules. Tasks can be assigned to
>time maps you define, e.g. “weekend 9-6” or “monday afternoons.” Complex
>recurrence options.)
>Sheldomize (web based, some odd quirks)
>TImeful (defunct, ios/web. The best of breed in some ways, bought by
>google apparently to kill it.)
>Timeline (excellent, very flexible and complex rules, but it’s a
>Windows-only outlook plugin so you are stuck in that environment but can
>view the results anywhere you can view outlook tasks and calendars).
> >There are a few others, including some that are Android-only. I have
>notes on all of them in Evernote but don’t have time to look them up
>(according to Skedpal :))
> >But here is an example. I planned to work this weekend because i have a
>big deadline Tuesday morning. On Saturday morning Skedpal was filled
>with red icons telling me I couldn’t get everything done. So I deferred
>a bunch of tasks to after Tuesday. Still red icons. So I changed some
>tasks to my “emergency: work til 2 am” time map. That worked. All the
>red was gone. Still on track for tomorrow morning.
>Skedpal also lets you have settings for mental breaks, gaps between
>tasks depending on task length. But I also add a task called “emerging”
>that’s one hour long each day in the afternoon just to cover me for
>unexpected things that come up. I mark that task done at around 3 every