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iBooks as outliner and information manager

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Posted by Chris Thompson
Jan 18, 2018 at 03:53 PM


That’s an interesting idea! I’ve only used it briefly.  On first blush I was thinking about what it provides that Keynote doesn’t, because the interfaces are similar. But upon reflection, there is a considerable amount of material that would be useful for information management (multi-page text flows, ability to add custom widgets and code directly to pages, indexing, easier embedding of math equations, etc.).

It turns out Apple does have a brief blurb about using it for personal uses such as personal travel journals or scrapbooks, so you’re not the first to have this idea: https://www.apple.com/ca/ibooks-author/made-with-ibooks-author/

It is about halfway between Curio and Scrivener in terms of approach. Both of those apps have become powerhouses though in their most recent releases (love the kanban-like stuff in Curio’s core toolset, and Scriv3 is just fantastic all-around, including excellent metadata options) that it would probably be hard to switch away. But maybe….

I’ll give it a try.
