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One text file/outline/mind map/tinderbox to rule them all?

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Posted by washere
Dec 27, 2017 at 11:20 PM


I installed, used for a while and uninstalled TheBrain many a times. IMHO the mega mind mapper was just the usual hype and worse a time killer for me, maybe OK for footnotes/research refs but there are much better specialist in that genre. I used TiddlyWiki a lot until early last year, then like the other wiki maker ConnectedText, I stopped using it. I found a couple of other better wiki makers but have no use any more for general purpose wiki files. More specialized these days, more focused in each tool area.

The OP title is specific, not just one genre, mind-map or just wiki etc, but one that ticks the boxes listed. The tool sought by the thread lists the first 2 requirements as a “text file” app and then an “outline"r etc etc. Interesting to see if there are any candidates proposed that not only will tick all those boxes but are good enough to be “The One”. I’m not searching anymore, will be surprised if there is anything new proposed I never heard of. Scrivener plus Scapple comes close, but they are not the one either. I assume to remain on-topic, candidate tools need to tick those genres he listed, presumably. It is in daily and long term usage that one discovers the dark horse, the dirtied golden fleece, the unassuming one.