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Scrivener 3 is on the way…

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Posted by Amontillado
Nov 22, 2017 at 08:41 PM


I bought a new license for Scrivener 3 the moment it was available. I found a couple of glitches that were fixed that day.

My purchased download was maybe an hour into Version 3’s life, and was 3.0(58) - or something close to that. A couple of things didn’t work quite right, but nothing major. Just UI irregularities and the “check for updates” function returned an error.

A second download that afternoon got 3.0(75), which is still what’s there as of now. I can’t find anything not working per documentation.

There is one oddity, but it’s not a bug so much as it’s a wrinkle in mouse and keyboard event handling. This may be due to inheritance structuring in Scrivener’s code, or it may be a MacOS thing.

If you hold the option key down while you click and drag a title from the binder to the editor’s header, it opens a second edit window called a copyholder, but the mouse events have to be in the specific order, and actually option-drag is the wrong way to look at it. The mouse event to generate is option-release.

Option-click-drag-release opens the dragged document in the copyholder and also jumps the editor to the selected new document. Click-option-drag-release works as expected, leaving the main edit window open and opening the new document in the copyholder. In other words, click in the binder before depressing the option key.

I’d call that a rough edge, but it doesn’t crash anything and no data is lost.

Scrivener Version 3 looks pretty cool to me.