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Scrivener 3 is on the way…

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Posted by Dellu
Nov 21, 2017 at 08:54 PM


Hugh wrote:

>In contrast, I wouldn’t want to try to write long-form in Tinderbox -
>ever! The definitions of what Tinderbox actually is are several and
>varied. I like to think of it as a sophisticated means of arranging
>thoughts and ideas and establishing the relationships between them. Of
>course, outliners and concept maps or mindmaps have similar purposes to
>those of Tinderbox - and Tinderbox can certainly be used an outliner or
>concept map, prior to writing long-form. But Tinderbox can do a lot more
>than that, being versatile, nuanced and “smart”, and capable of helping
>to identify “emergent structure” (which sounds faintly sinister, but
>isn’t). Whereas Scrivener, although it too has an outliner as part of
>its package, certainly does not aspire to what Tinderbox can do in that

I totally agree on your characterization of Tinderbox.

As you said, Scrivener has now spread its area. With the addition of Scapple, they might actually thinking of making the Scrivener environment a full system from mapping ideas to drafting and publishing. There is certain overlap between the two systems (Scrivener+Scapple vs Tinderbox).

For me, one reason I don’t find Scrivener that much attractive is mainly due to my own setup: I have to publish my work using Latex ultimately. I am not going to do all the heading, compiling stuff inside Scrivener. I do the formatting in the Latex (Texstudio).  As such, sending some short drafts from Tinderbox to TexStudio has been my main workflow for a long time now.

if you are to publish in a word or similar format, I agree with you, Scrivener is definitely be very useful for formatting.

But, I find the Bookmark feature pretty attractive. I was using Tagging in combination with Smart searches in Devonthink to do a similar collection of project files. The steps in Devonthink are more extended and a bit cumbersome:

a) add project tags on the selected files
b) setup a smart search to collect the files with those tags
c) remove the tags whenever the file finished its task; function; to simply

The bookmark in Scrivener is simple drag and drop.