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Any Windows users here ?

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Posted by Lucas
Sep 8, 2017 at 02:36 AM


dan7000 wrote:

>And when I think about what software will be around for a long time and
>be successful, I also have to imagine that the vast majority of people
>and businesses will always choose laptops based primarily on price, so
>if I stick with the economy choice, I will be using the OS that is most
>likely to capture most of the market.

Interesting thread and interesting post. Regarding the above, I would just point out that people and businesses will choose laptops not only on a price basis, but also, of course, on a functionality basis. For instance, when choosing between Linux and Windows, functionality and software availability clearly comes into the picture. So I think the question of the computer market is a lot more complex (as is the question of the software market—there are good reasons that lots of exciting software development is happening for Macs, for instance).

Personally, as a CRIMP-er, I prefer to have access to both Mac and Windows. I like to be able to use Tinderbox and other great Mac software, and I like to be able to use InfoQube and other great Windows software. Plus, as others have pointed out, Microsoft Office is still superior on Windows.

(At one point I also tried to set up a virtual Linux OS just to try some intriguing information management software that was only available for Linux.)

But despite my preference to have access to as much good software as possible, and hence my preference to have access to both Mac and Windows, I would not call myself platform-agnostic. On the contrary, I have a strong preference for Mac OS X. I used to like Windows, but I have never recovered from my irritation with the way Windows decided to force users to interact with system settings via an insultingly dumbed-down, mobile-like interface. Trying to make Windows more mobile-like just made it worse, from my perspective. The “System Preferences” interface on the Mac, on the contary, is a heck of a lot better (as are some other Mac features which I won’t go into here).

Right now I only have a Mac machine, so I use Windows only via a virtual OS (using Veertu). This works well enough but slows my system down a bit too much, so I don’t use Windows as much as I would otherwise. I’ve actually been thinking recently of investing in a Windows laptop to have easier access to Windows.