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What is the end game of CRIMPing? (Warning: Meta Thread)

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Posted by Foolness
Aug 21, 2017 at 04:35 PM


Sorry I didn’t mean to offend. I’ve been out of the loop as to what’s considered offensive nowadays.

It seems what we all hold dear in common about CRIMPing is that the journey is very…pardon me if I get this wrong…curiosity driven and that the journey never ends.

That leads me to wondering… how do we as CRIMPers avoid being software nomads then? When is it right to show our loyalty to a developer and settle down? or for a developer, is it part of his goal to make us want to push the buttons so that he can retain the CRIMPers or is it a natural evolution of software design that good software = simply more loyalty.

Outlining software UX aimed at being as addictive as a slot machine (i.e. in terms of pushing buttons) sounds like a difficult concept but also seems like that’s what we are seeking. (broadly speaking)

It seems like it is a never ending journey of suffering for every software that changed its pricing model, that dies away, for every recommended software guide that gets outdated as soon as someone or something new in the industry becomes the new fad.

I don’t mean to make it sound so negative but to me the conversation has steered into sort of a Buddhist like question. (I admit it may not be going there if not for this reply stating it but I just felt like this is how the direction of the conversation is leading to.)

So to narrow down what MadAboutDana mentioned, there’s three qualities but these broad qualities bring a certain set of questions along with them:

-Easy to remember

By far the most difficult quality. Playing around with lots of software, we’re bound to establish a “suite” of our needs but how come there’s no CRIMPer Office with its CRIMPer Word, CRIMPer Excel, CRIMPer OneNote. Is it that no one has ever tried to share one like that or is it a red herring to the end goal of a CRIMPer?

-Fast to use

Difficult to quantify. The less bulky a software the faster it is but the simpler it is.

Then there’s purpose. Something like Evernote is certainly not faster than Google Keep but in terms of overall ease, Evernote is among the more mature of software out there.

I propose this analogy because I want to introduce a question asking what does it mean to be fast to use in an age where the average PC or Mac or Tablet or Smartphone is powerful enough to run 3d games and yet here we are talking about software whose memory consumption shouldn’t consume and slow down an entire workload.

It goes side by side with the question, what is the ideal end set up for a CRIMPer? Machine Learning software like Skedpal? or going to more old school yet less learning curve variant of org mode?

What would satisfy the unsatisfied desire of a true CRIMPer and is it a worthwhile cause?

-Aesthetically enjoyable

By far the most diversified. I remember the talk alone of the Ribbon in the past going back and forth. Then there’s always the Mac app ui considered more “premium” or “sleek” than the Windows version like with Scrivener.

What kind of aesthetic can be achieved by a CRIMPer who uses multiple software often versus a user who simply wants to use it?

For example, using browsers as an analogy, before Chrome came nobody jump shipped to its ui but there were murmurs of a Firefox Lite, an Opera lite, a slimmed down IE shell browser and all of a sudden everyone just jump shipped to Chromium builds.

I look at it and I wonder what’s the potential equivalent of this for CRIMPing? Web clipping and web highlighting certainly brought more Evernote and OneNote users but neither are a unified UX that people are clamoring for and stating “Ok this is THE one UI where I won’t CRIMP anymore.”