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ADM Group Down?

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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Aug 5, 2006 at 02:05 PM


For months and months we have been waiting for ADM to begin the coding process again to get the bugs out of ADM 4. There has been no regular communication from ADM. When pressed by the group, Eric Somer, the developer, assures us that coding will resume soon. So far no resumption of coding of which we have been advised.

I cannot speak for Jan, but can speak for myself.

As a long-time supporter of ADM I have urged people to try ADM, and assured them that it is a serious player. I found that in the last year the work with ADM 4 has been sidelined periodically by such things as Skype, which in time has been shown to be a diversion to the ongoing development of ADM 4.

Part of the problem may be the fact that Eric Somer lives and works in China, and his partner, Arne, the last time I heard lives in North America. I do not know how that has impacted their ability to work together, but I would be willing to bet that that sure didn’t help.

I feel that ADM and its developers are living with a growing credability gap in the market place. My difficulty at writing this is that having supportive of ADM for a long time, and genuinely being impressed by its innovations (if not its ability to clear out bugs in betas or to communicate regularly wiith users), I fear I am adding to the credability gap.

Personally, I like Eric and have enjoyed from time to time non-ADM related correspondence with him. He is an idealist, a visionary.

However, all of the above notwithstanding, I feel I cannot stay silent.

I will also add that had I a hundred thousand dollars or more to invest speculatively, I would be on the horn to Eric to see if that might help get things straightened out for ADM. My fervent hope is that, if capital is a problem, that a worthy investor will step forward, and work with Eric and Arne

There’s no doubt in my mind that if the bugs were dealt with, ADM 4 brought to final release readiness, and forward planning and coding conducted, that ADM would prove itself superior to much of its competition. After being a victim of CRIMP, and after having used ADM for a lot of my work, I for one have realized I must for time reasons settle down with one or two programs that let me work qucikly and easily. I am sad that does not include ADM.

I have no doubt whatsoever as to the personal integrity of Eric, and his desire to bring a state-of-the art program to the market. As I say, if I was able to, I would put my money where my mouth is.


Chris Thompson wrote:
>For what it’s worth, I emailed the ADM sales team (

) a month and a
>half ago asking about the software’s current status, and received no reply.  My guess
>is as good as any, but I’d imagine that they’re winding the company down. 
> >If they do
>disappear, it would be nice if they released version 4 to the general public to be
>downloaded, even in its unfinished state.  I’d still like to try ADM4.
> >—
> >cnewtonne wrote:
>>There is something that is missing
>>Officially the adm site is up, they are
>>taking new orders, the SW is
>still downloadable. However, Jan decides to shutdown the
>>support site, while the
>official adm site still points prospective buyers to this
>>group for support.
> >>
>>I do not uderstand why and how did Jan just decide to shut it down.
>>It does not
>look like he coordinated it with the ADM team.