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Outline (by Gorillized) and Notebooks (by Alfons Schmid)

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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Mar 7, 2017 at 11:55 PM


Thank you, Hugh, for the plug about my video tutorials about Tinderbox. They just skim the surface of what you can do with your notes in Tinderbox, but I hope they are useful.

I’m with Hugh on the fact that Tinderbox is not my choice for note management. Putting all your information in one database isn’t practical and Tindberbox does not have a cross-database search function. But Tinderbox is an excellent way to capture notes quickly, particularly in a meeting or workshop, because you can write your notes in Map view as the title of the Tbx note (i.e. not in the actual notes section), and when you hit enter you’re instantly in the mode of taking a new note. Note titles can be pretty long. If you’ve done some preliminary set up of the Map view—such as creating adornments for agenda items and agents for attendees—you can easily organize your notes as you go along. You can mark notes that need follow-up or whatever. You can then either manage follow up in Tinderbox or export all the meeting notes into Scrivener or some other format for generating a report.

Tinderbox is also great for planning or plotting a piece of writing. And, as Hugh wrote, it is a great aid for coaxing meaning from your information.

However, I notice that you, Jeffrey, seem to like apps with a notebook metaphor. If that is the case, I’d also suggest check out Curio, especially since you don’t need an iOS counterpart. It’s in continuous development and keeps getting better.

Anyway, that’s all just my two cents worth.
