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Any good Scrivener books out there?

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Posted by Paul Korm
Oct 10, 2016 at 01:05 PM


The Take Control of Scrivener 2 book is a good overview of Scrivener 2, Scrivener 1 for Windows, and Scrivener or iOS.  If you are looking for an end-to-end walk-through of Scrivener, this is the book.  If you are looking for in depth, step-by-step instructions this book will not be very satisfying.  There are some step-by-steps, but for many major topics (like compilation) the information is high level.

There is a knowledge base that covers specific topics at


L&L has tutorial videos here


and of course the L&L forum is very helpful—the team there makes sure no question goes un-answered, in depth.  It’s actually better than a book, IMO.

For compilation to .docx, my experience is it works generally OK as long as there’s not a lot of fancy stuff.  There is always, for me, a final step in Word to clean up styles and other things.  I usually do several test compilations just to make sure the .docx looks generally good, and then do a final version and clean it up in Word.  Stick with contemporary versions of Word—ideally 2016 if you have it, or 2013 otherwise.