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FoldingText + Editorial

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Posted by MadaboutDana
Aug 2, 2016 at 09:16 AM


I agree, Editorial TaskPaper is actually better than the original. One of the frustrating things about TaskPaper, and the reason I no longer use it, is that it doesn’t support any kind of Markdown.

FoldingText is actually a much more powerful and flexible product than TaskPaper, and I’m slightly surprised that the developer has chosen to refocus on the latter. But it’s true that TaskPaper has gained a level of traction that FoldingText has never managed to acquire (possibly because of the rather robust pricing for what is, when all’s said and done, a text editor; but BBEdit is also robustly priced, so clearly there’s a demand for such things).

I’ve briefly tried using Scrivener as a task management system. On iOS, it’s actually quite viable, but the desktop app is the crunch point - it’s just a bit too heavyweight to be usable in this particular way, although regular users of Scrivener could easily take advantage of that functionality. I don’t spend enough time in Scrivener to make this a reasonable solution, unfortunately.