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Why do you use Info Select?

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Posted by Justin Pietsch
Jul 23, 2006 at 03:21 AM


For those who like and use Info Select I have to ask, why? I keep trying Info Select and feel like I’m not cool enough to figure out why I would use it over other programs. I’m currently trying out IS9 and don’t find it compelling enough to keep.

What is it that makes you end up using IS?

Is it the all-in-one approach? Is it a specific feature that works better than in other programs? Is it some combination of features?

I like the outline, but it’s not nearly good enough, and especially after using ADMs much more powerful outline I can’t make myself want to use IS outlines. Especially that there is a difference between a topic and a note. I often what to write up notes about a parent node in an outline.

People often talk about it’s search functionality. But I can’t figure out what about it’s search is better than in other programs. The smart folders in version 9 are pretty cool, and I’ve only seen similar in zoot.

How do people store lots of information in IS? Do you end up not really worrying about where exactly in the outline it ends up and rely on search? For those with lots of information in IS, what kind of information do you put? Lots of random bits? Highly structured bits? Notes, thoughts, etc all together.

I know why I don’t like it, but I want to know why I should *LIKE* it. And of course I understand that with software like this it is very personal and people use it very differently, which is why I want to know how people who like IS use it.
