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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Feb 26, 2015 at 12:33 PM


An interesting question, and one I’ve often wondered about.

While there are many more Windows computers than Macs, I’d guess that 90% or more of those are business computers where the operators have specific jobs that don’t require or even allow for “artisanal” software. Heck, most of those operators probably don’t even know that such software even exists. Whereas, someone buying a Mac has done so for a specific reason, most likely because they want to use one of those artisanal pieces of software. That’s why I switched… so I could get my hands on Scrivener and Tinderbox.

But, of course, there must be more to it than this. It must also be more difficult to make a profit developing for Windows. It is is either too hard to distribute your software, or too costly and time consuming to develop the app.
Steve Z.