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Organizing lots of thought snippets

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Posted by Dr Andus
Jan 26, 2015 at 01:23 PM


tradercclee wrote:
>I’d like to discover insights shared by snippets of thoughts.
>And have an easy way to quickly put ideas into categories/tags as I’m
>capturing the ideas.

Here’re some quotes from someone else this time (fresh off the press), just to show that it’s not just me ;)

“Such a problem might be writing up some research or the writing of a thesis which by its nature it is an exploration of new ideas and new research. Most discoveries are not made whilst performing the experiments, they are made during the organising and writing up of the notes, this is where ideas come together in ways which produce flashes of insight which were not apparent from the raw data. Imposing a structure too early might mean that you miss something significant later.

In my opinion this is where ConnectedText is at its best. You can just dump all the raw data in there and classify it organise it and re-organise it, because you can have the same data represented in many different ways simultaneously and just switch between the different views.

ConnectedText has very powerful facilities for classifying things. Pages can have category, attribute and property commands embedded in the markup language. (...) Assigning categories, properties and attributes is only half the story. Once you have a set of pages classified like this you can write queries to select the pages you want to see. Each category has an automatically generated virtual page which contains links to all the pages in that category. (...)

Pages can include other pages (either the whole page or just a part of the page) so a page can be a patchwork of parts of other pages, if any of the source pages change then any pages which include that page also change.”

The rest of the review is worth reading as well:


Another interesting software that can display all snippets from a category is Piggydb (though I’ve never actually tried it):