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Holiday reflections

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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Dec 25, 2014 at 12:07 PM


Jaslar, et. al.,

Thank you for the holiday wishes. I totally agree with you about this forum. It is a shining example of how the Internet should work and seldom does. Like you, I truly value the friends who gather here!

How my “outliner” use has changed over the course of 2014?

It feels as if there hasn’t been anything new which is all that system-rattling, at least on computers. There has been some great stuff on iPad that I’ve enjoyed, but nothing that has really changed the way I work. Consequently, I’ve been less “experimenty” than in the past. I’m leaning more heavily on TheBrain than ever. It’s not a perfect app by any means, but I seem to click with its scheme, and that it is cross-platform is key.

I am looking forward to the releases of Scrivener and Ulysses for the iPad in 2015. And I am hoping Tinderbox 6 will continue to be refined (as of now, I just haven’t warmed up to it).

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all the folks on this forum.

Steve Z.