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single-pane outliner, with items stored in separate files?

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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Jun 1, 2014 at 06:37 AM


jimspoon wrote:
>What would be the advantage of such a single-pane outliner?  Simply this
>- you could add or change individual items with an external program, and
>these changes would be seamlessly changed in the outline.  Also,
>synchronization of the outline could be done with less chance of a
>“conflicted copy” - one person might change one item/file in the
>outline, and another person might change another item/file in the
>outline - and there would be no chance of the producing two incompatible
>outline files.  (comprehensible?)

The second point you mention above is usually achieved in contemporary collaboration-oriented information management software, such as wikis, via a database (usually MySQL or SQLite) infrastructute; in such cases, each item is a record which can be individually edited by a user (and locked to everyone else while it is being edited) while other users are working on other items/records. When editing finishes, changes are synced to the database and everyone will always see the latest version of each item.

A variation of this is the use of actual plain text files to store each item/record separately. Such is the case of Dokuwiki. Here again however, only the content of one item is visible at the time. But Dokuwiki is very customisable and extendable and it _might_ be possible to view more items by developing a suitable template/plugin. You might want to bring this up at the very active Dokuwiki forum (find it via https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki )