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Best note-taking setup with tablet and keyboard?

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Posted by Dr Andus
Jan 31, 2014 at 01:27 PM


MadaboutDana wrote:
Worth checking out the new HP Chromebook 14, too, which has had some
>very good reviews (4GB, 2 x USB 3.0, 9.5 hours battery life, 14” screen
>- available now). In the UK, selling for a very reasonable £250.
>It’s the battery life that’s got me interested - something like a
>Chromebook really has to have a good battery life, otherwise what’s the

Bill, thanks so much for this recommendation. I went for the HP Chromebook 14 (3G+ version), and I’m very happy with my decision.

Regarding my note-taking needs, it fit the bill, as it has a great keyboard, it’s instantly on from sleep, and a single charge lasts for several days (similar to my iPad use). I’ve trialled several Chrome apps for writing, and chose Writebox:

It’s free, it works offline, it saves as you type, it’s distraction-free (WriteMonkey-like), you can adjust the width and hight of the lines and colours, syncs with Dropbox and Google Drive, has Markdown preview, and there are on-screen stats (word count etc.). I couldn’t ask for more.

I also use Text (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/text/mmfbcljfglbokpmkimbfghdkjmjhdgbg), if I need another text editor window.

The WorkFlowy offline Chrome app is the other killer app for outlining and todos.

One very pleasant surprise was the Chrome Remote Desktop (CRD):

This allows me to access my home PC with three monitors (extended desktops), which works really well in full-screen mode, as I just need to slide my finger on the touchpad and I can move from monitor to monitor, so it works as if I was using a desktop extender software on Chromebook. I know that there are some remote apps for the iPad as well, but I can’t imagine that they give as much control as CRD does. Other than some AutoHotkey combinations, so far everything worked.

This really changes my view of ChromeOS. I think there is a lot more going on here than just selling a web browsing machine to children and grandparents.

Having said that, I still need to test CRD more extensively. E.g. I don’t know how easy it would be reconnect if let’s say Chrome crashes on the PC during a remote session. And there is the risk that some well-meaning family member switches off the internet connection or your PC at home while you’re out an about… :)

Nevertheless, for now I don’t feel the need to install Linux, given the CRD functionality.

And then it’s of course incredibly fast for browsing. By far the fastest machine in the household.

Oh, yes. I know that all the Google stuff is effectively spyware. I don’t particularly like that but I’m willing to trade some info for the cheap price and free apps. But I installed AdBlock and hardly see any advertisements, so not sure if they’ll make that much money on me ;)