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Text expander and clipboard enhancer tools

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Posted by Franz Grieser
Dec 3, 2013 at 12:19 PM


PhraseExpress wrote:

>PhraseExpress does not delete/disable anything automatically and without
>your confirmation. You probably agree that it would be overly stupid if
>this would really be the case.

Well I found it annoying. And it DID happen several times.
I failed to find a way to turn that off. And I am not a newby, I’ve been in the IT business for almost 30 years. If I cannot find it…

>The feature detects if you undo a text replacement. PhraseExpress then
>assumes that you didn’t want this text replacement in this particular
>situation and suppresses the text replacement the very next time you
>enter the associated abbreviation for one single time. Afterwards, it
>would execute the text replacement again.

Wait. Did I get it right?
I type an abbreviation. PE replaces it. I undo the replacement once. The next time, I type the abbreviation, PE does not replace it (but it will replace it the time after that).

I don’t get why you do that? And why you don’t tell the user.
That’s inconsistent behaviour on part of the software that makes the user think he is stupid. Because, when he retries, the software changes its behaviour. No wonder, why I could not reproduce the error.

>It is just for your convenienc

I don’t find it convenient at all. I find it annoying.

>and actually very helpful if you want to actually type the abbreviation
>without having it expanded. If you have a better idea how we can make
>life easier for you here, we are eager to learn more.

If I want to type the abbreviation without having it expanded, I type it and undo the expansion using CTRL+Z. That’s it. That’s fine with me.

>>But for now, I’d say: I prefer to do the thinking and have the software
>>do the robot work.
> >You can have it either way with PhraseExpress which is customizable in
>great detail. .-)

Yes, I know it is customizable. But not the quirky behaviour you described above. Or what do I have to do to turn it off?