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Sticky notes for Windows - Notezilla

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Posted by Gautam Jain
Nov 22, 2013 at 10:01 AM


Thanks @Simon Bolivar


>> As for stickies, there are some, and some free ones, that can be used to a similar effect, and without wanting to appear
>> nasty, fact is, when it’s 30$, on bits about 20, from which bits get 50 p.c., the real price “going into development” is about 10$,
>> and I would never have criticised such a tool that remains within the normal price range of its competitors; when it does not,
>> AND claims false superiority, I think there’s need to defend the less complacent competition.

It is very hard to compare the value of one software to another. The price of one to another unless it is an exact copy of features & user-interface. Different vendors have different business models. Some are ready to give away the software for free hoping to get investment from another company. We have seen that for several years they have negative revenues. Some close down. And some continue to survive. Most of the freebies developed by individual developers (not open source) discontinue to support the product due to lack of income or the developer gets interested into another profitable business/job.

>> when it’s 30$, on bits about 20, from which bits get 50 p.c., the real price “going into development” is about 10$,

This is only a temporary offer done for marketing. It is not a permanent thing. Although companies may not gain anything in terms of revenue, but they get more popularity.

Not able to afford $30 or $17.95 (after 40% off at BDJ) is very subjective.

The product is always available for free trial (full 30 days). So the user can actually see what “Anything” means. I am sorry if had to purchase the product without giving it a try or reading anything about it.

I really appreciate your concerns. It gives us a chance to correct ourselves. May be we must put a * (astreisk) after “Anything” and say “Conditions apply”.

Gautam Jain