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A Lot of Buzz about ConnectedText, but what about Mac users?

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Posted by Paul Korm
Nov 1, 2013 at 11:12 PM


Perhaps you’re fighting against Scrivener—expecting it to be one bird when it’s really another bird?  There are many ways to work with Scrivener in an outliner-style hierarchy of texts—two of them that might help you are the ability for texts to be children of texts in a nested manner, and “Scrivenings” mode.  Section 6.4 of the Manual explains Scrivenings.  There is a vibrant and very thoughtful community at the Scrivener forum who can help you sort through using Scrivener a way that meets your needs. 

Nhaps wrote
> My bottleneck is the lack of outline capability in Scrivener plus the lack of ease for wiki/link creation throughout the document. The outliner is geared for only first and second levels, including a synopsis. It does not go deep enough for paragraph levels, for example. Internal links work only for documents.
> But the lack of integration is still there because the outliner is enslaved to the binder, and these work only at the surface of the project.