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A Lot of Buzz about ConnectedText, but what about Mac users?

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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Nov 1, 2013 at 07:23 PM


I’d like to know what you feel is lacking in your current work flow that you expect CT to improve. CT is an outstanding all-in-one application, but I don’t think it is a better writing environment than Scrivener. It’s not a better outliner than OmniOutliner. It’s not a better reference manager than Sente. And it is not a better free form database than Devon Think.* You could probably eschew all those other programs and just use CT, but I’m not sure that will make you more productive, especially when you add in the learning curve. I’m just curious. Is there a specific issue you need to address, or are you just suffering from CRIMP?

I would agree with Moritz that Tinderbox would be worth taking a look at, again depending on what is absent from your current work flow. It is an outstanding outliner, and it plays nice with Scrivener. I know you can drag bibliographic references in from Bookends, but not sure it it works with Sente.

Anyway, that’s just my two cents.

Steve Z.

*I understand CT may have some advantages over those other apps in certain respects, but I’m mean that they are generally better at the dedicated jobs they are designed to handle.