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WhizFolders vs Scrivener for Windows

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Posted by Luis M
Oct 30, 2013 at 05:26 AM


I am recent new user for both Scrivener and WhizFolders.

I am finding that they both have their use in my toolbox.  Won’t go into the benefits of Scrivener because I think it is an exceptional application, particularly for the price.

Even after getting Scrivener, I find myself going to Whizfolders when I need more of a database/outline.  For example, I review a lot of proposals for work, and find the 2 pane format easy to use for individual proposal comments.  True, Scrivener could do this too but WF seems more straightforward for a large number of folders and a quick storage use.

I do wish that WF had a more attractive interface, and better interactivity in the menus.  Also, although I recognize that RTF has its limitations, other apps (Rightnote, UltraRecall) can easily paste images and web content where sometimes WF is a little less helpful probably due its more formal implementation of RTF?

You can’t ask for a more responsive developer if you have questions than Sanjay, WF’s developer.
