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Posted by Dr Andus
Sep 11, 2013 at 03:15 PM


Chris Murtland wrote:
>that really means you
>need an arsenal of tools rather than just one.

Yes, this also rings true to me. The next logical step (to which I haven’t quite matured yet) is to learn AutohotKey or Python and write scripts that create linkages between your tools.

Also, it is very difficult to compare individual tools as alternatives: one piece of software may be a one-trick pony, while another one might be a bundle of several or even dozens of software tools.

This is one point where I would disagree with Prof. Kuehn. In a recent blog post he suggested that the fewer tools and steps one uses during writing, the better:


However, his examples of Scrivener and CT are tools that are such bundles of multiple software tools in one. Plus, he is a prolific user of AHK as well.

Personally I have found transferring my data and drafts around from software to software useful, as each time the argument gets more abstracted and refined. But I still haven’t published as many books as he did, and that will be the proof of the pudding :)