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Posted by Dr Andus
Aug 17, 2013 at 09:47 PM


shatteredmindofbob wrote:
>I’ve thought before that I’d like a mindmapping app I can just throw
>down nodes and connect them later and this seems to do that but
>then…there doesn’t seem to much else you can do with your data beyond
>make connections that are purely graphical (besides bring it into

For more complex concept mapping there is always VUE or CmapTools. However, I think there is a niche in the market for a simple, focused concept mapper without too many distractions (a minimalist app), and Scapple might just fill that gap.

We have a couple of other threads on this forum on infinite whiteboards. Scapple also fits that category (so it competes a bit with OneNote’s similar function or Story Turbo).

One important contribution of Scapple seems to be the export (TXT, RTF, OPML). I tried the text export and it actually produced a decent output (though I only tried it on a relatively simple concept map, not quite sure what a complex one would look like). But theoretically one could export from Scapple as OPML into another outliner and then reorder the notes there (on the way to a more formal outline).