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Minimalist champions

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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Aug 4, 2013 at 09:47 PM


On the PC I remain addicted to NoteTab for much of my writing. It’s a simple plain text editor with lots of tools you can use or ignore. It has a tabbed MDI so you can switch from document to document. Small footprint. I’ve been using it for probably 12 years now.

I can save my plain text files to Dropbox, then import them quickly and easily into a new favorite on my MacBook, Ulysses III. Maybe Ulysses III isn’t exactly a minimalist app—but compared with Scrivener it is. I can also write in the companion app for iOS, Daedalus, and sync back and forth. So I’ve now got a nice synergy among these three apps and devices, which is perfect for a recent project I’ve been working on.

I guess Brainstorm is a minimalist app, and I still find it useful, even though it hasn’t been developed in years.

I would like FoldingText if it were further developed to improve some things about it. I like the concept, but it still needs work to be useful to me, and I am not sure Jesse Grosjean has the attention span to keep his focus on it.

Steve Z.