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Horses for courses: Voodoopad, Tinderbox, Curio, Devonthink, etc

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Posted by Dellu
May 16, 2013 at 12:42 AM


>3) The kind of information that I have the biggest problem finding a
>good home for is not the pieces of information as such but which
>connections I draw between them, this is separate from gathering the
>information in the first place and the most personal thing in the whole
>process. After a lot of trial and error I am coming to the conclusion
>that a wiki might be the best solution for this. Tinderbox, as nice as
>it may be otherwise, is too content with its splendid isolation to
>fulfill that role (I may keep using it for other jobs, though).
>I evaluated Devonthink also as a candidate for the wiki, too, but
>although it knows some Wiki functionality (Wikilinks) it does not
>display backlinks, i.e. incoming links from other pages, which is
>crucial for me.
>Voodoopad may not be as powerful as Tinderbox in that regard (what is?)
>but provides backlinks as well as custom URLs, talks to Spotlight, takes
>graphics more gracefully and may also scale better with size than
> >Thanks for your comments so far.

My takes:

- Wikis are bad: they will be broken if u move sth. So, never use them
- Future proof plain text (markdown) files are the best
- Keep all the text notes in the same folder, inside Dropbox
-  access them by different apps (as the need arises).
- Use Simplenote as a glue among the apps
—- here is the step by step—-
1. Create the   notes in nvALT
2. Store them in a folder in Dropbox
3. Index the folder in Devonthink
4. Sync nvALT to Simplenote
5. Sync Tinderbox to Simplenote
6. Sync Scrivener to Simplenote

Work on any of the apps, as the need arises. The changes will be reflected everywhere (windows pcs, ipad, iphone, all fetch from the same folder).
- nvALT is the best for simple notes (drop what is in your head)
- Tinderbox is best for creating connections of ideas
- Scrivener is the best for drafting
It is possible to get the use the best of the apps without losing track. I hope this helps sb.
