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Thousands of notes with the same tag slows down search

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Posted by Simon Bolivar
Mar 19, 2013 at 10:24 PM


Alexander Deliyannis wrote:
Simon, I’ve been tempted since I first saw your name in this forum to
>ask you if your surname is really Bolivar, and if you happen to be from
>Chile, but I can leave it for another time… :-)
> >On your subject, I’ve been using Evernote for several years and have
>more than 10,000 notes in my notebooks, many of them including rich
>content (mostly images and sometimes audio files). The database is about
>1.4 Gbytes. I have a couple of hundred tags, organised in a hierarchy.
>As far as I see, none of my tags happen to have more than a couple of
>hundred items, but switching from a tag to the other takes less than a
>second, and this time seems independent of the number of items under the
>various tags I switch between.
> >Evernote uses SQLite as its infrastructure; I would say that both SQLite
>and Evernote have a tremendous user base and that if there were issues
>of scaleability they would have turned up long ago.
> >Depending on what you will want to do with your notes, Connected Text
>might offer more useful features, e.g. for organising them around
>specific scientific papers. In fact, there is little you can do with
>your notes after they are entered in Evernote, other than search them,
>tag them and edit them—you can of course select some and export them as
>HTML for use in other programs, but that’s it. But I believe that
>Evernote has the advantage in ease of collection of rich content, plus
>ubiquitous availability.

Hi Alexander, I replied to Dr Andus above reagrding ConnectedText and it is a programme which I am very interested in but which I will try at a later stage, as I am currently consolidating all of my notes into Rightnote. I have an Evernote account but haven’t used it very much, I actually used onenote a lot more but haven’t moved forward with the latter product. RN was that it was offered at 50% discount on bits du jour and at that time (Nov 2012) I was torn between UltraRecall, myinfo and WhizFolders; I was trialling them all for most of 2012, but I took the plunge for RN, as as enjoyable as it is to learn different softwares, I really need to pool my data into one software, even if there are very good cases for the ones that I have tried, and for many more besides. Funnily enough, I saw recently that UR was reduced on bits du jour so it was a matter of timing! Que sera sera.

Anyway back to Evernote, one aspect of RN that is helpful, is it’s integration with EN, so I am minded to do a simple experiment entering quotations into EN and seeing how that works with RN.

I don’t care to leave you with a mystery, I am English, living in the UK, but I did travel in South America; Peru and Colombia, (I do have friends in Chile too), and I visited Santa Marta where Simon Bolivar died. I took a shine to his exploits and hence my nom de plume on this forum.

Thanks again.