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Posted by Vincek
Feb 26, 2013 at 06:02 PM


Context—I work as an independent health care business consultant. Have written a blog for 5 years and am writing a book.  Most of my research/files in past has been using paper/files, but can see the future will demand migration toward digital & limited paper system.

1. Evernote—for long term storage of just about everything, including research/background for blogging and forthcoming book
2. GREAT BIG HOLE (explained below) in workflow
3. Scrivener for Windows—for (less than optimal) organizing and (very good) writing capabilities

I envision that #2 could be filled by something like Devon-Think (IF I used Mac, but I don’t), or Connected-Text (if I wanted another stand-alone program, but I don’t).  So I wait…. until this hole gets filled by something that integrates (not just interfaces) with Evernote.  Another way of describing #2 is that I have a boatload of information that for now I have to make sense of mostly through my own head, but would be great to have a digital program to augment this process (ala writing process described by Steven Berlin Johnson who uses Devon Think for Mac).
