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Posted by Franz Grieser
Jan 17, 2013 at 04:43 PM


Wait a moment:

Chris Murtland wrote:
>* two types of search result displays - a flat list of matching items,
>with contextual snippets around the search term(s) shown, and an outline
>view of search results (in other words, the outline structure is still
>shown, but filtered to only include matching items)
>* word/paragraph counts for selected item, selected branch, and entire

Dr. Andus wrote:
>I’d add ability to break down a large piece of text into outline items (title + text fragment), such as “Split with Selection as Title” in Scrivener,

Now, we’re leaving outliners and getting into writing environments.
Or do you really write that much in Bonsai, Noteliner, Notemap, OmniOutliner, Neo, etc. to REALLY need these features?

Sorry, I am just trying to keep the feature set as small as possible :-)
