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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Jan 8, 2013 at 04:00 PM


Dr Andus wrote:
>Because I’ve tried them all and I’ve been having problems with them on
>my Win7, 64-bit machine. Things wouldn’t run properly, would produce
>error messages etc. - enough to put me off.

WriteMonkey should have no such problem, even on Windows 8, as it uses the latest version of the .NET framework. I’ve used it in my Win7 64bit laptop with no problem.

>Plus it would be just a question of convenience to have something
>similar to Scrivener’s one-click distraction-free full-screen view in
>Word. Quick switching back and forth. Also, it would be nice to still be
>able to use Word add-ons during distraction-free writing, such as Dragon
>dictation or EndNote citations.

I don’t know if you’d be able to use the add-ons in the Writespace environment. Unfortunately I also have Word 2010 so cannot test it anymore.

Dragon dictation might work in WriteMonkey and such. For Endnote, I had the impression that there is a special URL for each reference, which one can integrate in plain text files and have them be updated by the relevant info through the Word Endnote add-on, but I may be confused with another bibliographic tool (I seem to have done this mistake before actually).

There is always the possibility of selecting a text and using Text Editor Anywhere to zap you to your favourite plain text environment and back again, but you’d be losing any existing formatting along the way.