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Posted by appfluence
Oct 10, 2012 at 08:44 PM


Hi Alexander,

1) Our integration on the Mac’s email is actually pretty good. (I imagine it may not help you to know as a Windows user). On the Mac, we allow you to drag an email over to create tasks and notes, and it links to the original emails across different computers. Here’s a video demonstration of it (I posted this just for you just now, it was a feature request by one of our big customers, so my wording and narrative reflects it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAJ0gQ6j8ok&feature=youtu.be). Our Outlook integration feature is nowhere close to this yet, but this is the direction we’d like to take it.

2) Regarding Outlook, my answer applies to our existing product line since our team collaboration version is still by invitation only (and mostly focuses on iOS and Mac platforms).

3) Our price point is not yet finalized. We know that customer interest is typically a function of price. What’s most important to us is first, add value, then figure out the optimal pricing afterwards. Feel free to contact me directly at

and we can discuss this further.

Lastly, feel free to try our Windows version and use a shared account with your team and see if that works for you. We have a 30 days no strings attached money back guarantee, and the basic sync works for free. You can also export your data pretty easily (we have built in generated email reports that can send your entire projects in an outline form).



Alexander Deliyannis wrote:
>Thanks for the quick reply. Your communication with the forum comes at the right time
>for me, as I am in the process of changing my task management setup and am looking around
>for a solution for myself and my colleagues. I like your product, as it integrates task
>management, task prioritisation and project overview which not many products
> >The main obstacle I see is the price. The desktop version itself is attractively
>priced, especially for personal use—I can understand this, given that many of your
>users come from iOS and are not used to paying much. The fact that one can do manual sync
>across devices without additional costs is actually quite generous of
> >However, in this day and age where Google Calendar and/or Outlook are used as a
>platform for exchanging information across a multitude of software and devices, I
>find the price of syncing with these—$20 per user/month, i.e. $240 per user/year—
>quite unjustified. I have Google Apps for Business along with a broad range of free
>offerings at $50 per user/year. I don’t expect everyone to price like Google, but I
>believe that they should at least take into account that competition. The moment
>someone implements a moderately priced 4-quadrant system under Google Apps, it will
>be difficult to keep your users loyal.
> >Don’t get me wrong, I respect your business
>strategy and desire for a good return on your software development investment. In
>fact, I want all companies that make software that I use to earn good money so that they
>are still around serving me many years from now. I very rarely trust free services with
>my data, opting for premium subscriptions instead. But TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
>is very important to me and my team.
> >Just my 2c.
> >Sideline: you responded to Franz
>that Outlook sync is not available, yet it is mentioned in the service
>specifications. Have I misunderstood something?