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Progam with QDA Qualitative Data Analysis features? Coding/tagging blocks of text?

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Posted by Carrot
Sep 25, 2012 at 02:27 AM


Dr. Andus,
Thanks very much for creating the tutorial.
I’m now very much intrigued by CT thanks to your posting of your experiences.

I’ve been using MyInfo, and I find it extraordinary useful for data collection, but I’ve not found it so useful for discovering links in my data. Nor have I found it particularly useful for writing papers. I began using Scrivener recently, and rely on it for writing, and MyInfo as my data repository. I was not able to figure out how to get CT to function in a way similar to Scrivener, which seems far more geared towards writing.

I’ll look forward to further instalments. I hope you will be able to provide a detailed description with screenshots showing your process and the results.  (PS. good screenshot capture program is the open-source “Greenshot”)