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Outliner/PIM roll call: Fall 2012

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Posted by shatteredmindofbob
Sep 16, 2012 at 03:54 PM


My set up is in a bit of a transition at the moment. I’m attempting to work with an all plain-text system, though on Windows where it’s far less trendy.

I’m using UV Outliner as a writing outliner. I find it sufficient for brainstorming and planning out an article.

Resophnotes, storing everything in text files to handle quick notes.

I’ve been doing more of my actual writing in WriteMonkey, which is a pretty great full-screen text editor. (I’ve also enjoyed a little program called MarkdownPad, but it desperately needs spell check before it’ll be really useful.)

I’ve been using Pinboard.in as a bookmark manager and I’m rather liking it despite my weariness towards web apps. Though, I was set more at ease when the developer posted that he does have a contingency plan in place should he be hit by a bus.

TodoPaper for tasks/project management.

E-mail and calendar is taken care of by Postbox with the Lightning extension.

I’m in the process of evaluating some other apps to see if they’re useful to me (and whether or not I’m willing to exchange money for their continued use.) I’m toying with ConnectedText though it seems to have quite a learning curve. I am also trying out the latest Scrivener for Windows. I should really make some time to put them through their paces properly.  (Quick side note: I love that Scrivener’s trial period is based on days of ACTUAL use rather than just from the date of installation.)

Ooh, I’m also playing with a text editor called SublimeText which, despite being a programming text editor has a surprising number of plug-ins aimed at writers, though it does excel more for its intended purpose (which for me, the closest I get to “coding” is HTML/CSS)