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Progam with QDA Qualitative Data Analysis features? Coding/tagging blocks of text?

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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Aug 17, 2012 at 09:06 PM


Peter wrote:
> For instance, Daniel Wessel on his blog makes an important distinction between “content” and “structure” outlining,
> using the comparison between Circus Ponies Notebook and Scrivener

Very useful distinction. I would add that the ‘content’ outline maintains the integrity of the full text, whereas the ‘structure’ approach breaks it down to non-continuous blocks of text.

If I understand correctly what QDA software does, it also maintains the integrity of the text (‘content’ approach) while offering the ability to annotate it at a very detailed level (the ‘entities’ are very fine). Last but not least, unlike much of the ‘content’ software often discussed here, QDA software does not provide a writing/editing environment, but is limited to referencing. Is this correct?