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Workflow on Mac (Mountain Lion) for PhD Thesis

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Posted by Peter
Aug 13, 2012 at 12:30 PM


Hi Steve,

Thanks! Looks like it must be possible. I must admit I haven’t started using DT yet but fascinated by what I hear/see. Unfortunately there are very few screencasts of it being used in action, a bit strange given it’s popularity. The DT tutorials are okay but the narrator has an annoying “marketing’ kind of tone that puts me off. About the only thing I’ve found, along these lines, is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH2L6WSA0UY - but it’s from 2009. If you ever felt like doing a screencast of how you use it I would be an eager audience! (Here I can recommend the free app Jing http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html.

One question I have is how you distinguish/integrate your workflow across different apps like DT and other things like Tinderbox, Scrivener. In other words, the importing and exporting and flow of information (keeping in mind the different file formats). Do you start with TBX first or DT or perhaps S or a mind mapping? Does this different for the kind of project you have in mind (like a thesis hint hint)?

I would be interested in posts that detail the challenges and promises as one navigates, imports-exports (and when) across such tools in their workflow!
